Thursday, July 31, 2008

The summary that turned into a book...(to be continued)

I have finally succumbed to....The Blog. Seeing as I rarely enjoy talking on the phone(don't understand this, just always have. I believe it is another one of those "Miller things" because several of my sisters and brothers have expressed the same sentiment, which would explain why their numbers only show up on my phone every once in a blue moon. Not that I am any better at dialing their phone numbers, but occasionally we do if only to make sure the other is still alive!) Anyway, I am hoping to keep this quite up-to-date. This shouldn't be too hard because one of my daily duties at the church is to update my pastor's blog(, so I will hopefully be able to do the same for mine.

For those of you who haven't heard from me in forever(which is most of you I'm afraid!) I will try to give a little summary of what I have been up to lately. Here goes nothing....

I am excited to say that I am almost finished with my sixth class in Massage Therapy school. This means I have only four classes and then a few weeks of clinic hours before I am ready to graduate! School has absolutely flown by and crawled along at the same time. Sometimes I feel like I started yesterday, and then there are days where I wonder if I will ever be done. Sometimes I get sick of learning every muscle, bone, artery, joint, and lymph node in the body, but other days it is very interesting and I am amazed at the incredible complexity and wonder of what makes up our bodies. I learn something new everyday and really do love giving massages as weird as that may sound to some people. There is so much information to cram into my pea-sized brain however! I feel like I need to go to school for two years before actually being employed somewhere for this, but I guess I'll just have to learn as I go. So, despite being slightly(ok, very!) afraid of not being able to retain all this information and not being ready, I am enjoying school very much.

Like it says in the "About me" section, I work at my church in the mornings. Sometimes it is the hardest job I've ever had and sometimes it is the easiest, but it is definitely my favorite. I absolutely love my church(you should check it out at,%20and/ and my pastor and his wife are two of the most amazing people I've ever met. They have unofficially adopted me into their family so I now have two additional brothers(who are mostly retarded, but hilarious and fun like most brothers are) and a pesky but lovable little sister. Another amazing person in my life is Shalaunda King. My roommate, confidante, kicker-in-the-butt when I need it, true friend, and basically my second mother. :) God has truly blessed me with a family away from my family.

I've lived in Tennessee for almost a year now. I know I keep contradicting myself but it has truly been the hardest, most challenging, most growing, and most amazing year of my life so far. I have made many new friends, I have lost a few. I experienced the death of someone very close to me for the first time. I had people actually hate me with a passion for the first time! I have had plenty, and have had to pray my car home because of the lack of gas and the lack of money to buy it. Then there has even been the rare occasion of shopping, and buying things that were not on sale or second-hand! (This was of course followed by waves of guilt and an overwhelming urge to run back to the store and return everything, but I was usually forced to keep it all). I've been on a real vacation with a beach and theme parks for the first time! I've cried until I couldn't breathe, and laughed until I've cried. I have experienced so much, but can honestly say I wouldn't change any of it. God has been so incredibly faithful and good. Even when things seem impossible and I wonder how I am possibly going to make it through, He is always there!

Well, as usual, my summary has turned into a novel, and I still didn't cover everything! I will continue the updates on my life and summer but right now my insides are eating themselves so I must go... :)